Zulu (fintech)

Zulu is a Colombian fintech focused on cross-border payments for SMEs in Latin America, facilitating fast transactions in over 55 countries. Founded in 2021, it has processed $110M for 400+ companies.

Esteban Villegas
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Zulu is a Colombian fintech founded in 2021, specializing in cross-border payments for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Latin America. The company aims to foster financial inclusion by providing fast and accessible transactions that enable businesses to operate globally. Zulu has operations in Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and the United States. It has processed more than $110 million for over 400 companies and facilitates payments to more than 55 countries.

Initially launched as a B2C (Business-to-Consumer) venture, Zulu quickly evolved into a B2B (Business-to-Business) model to better serve companies engaged in exports and imports. The fintech works closely with financial institutions to ensure that SMEs in the region have better access to banking services and internationalization opportunities.

Impact and Partnerships

Zulu is a member of Colombia Fintech, Fedesoft, and Uniandinos, institutions that promote business development and technological innovation in Colombia. With an active role in the Latin American fintech ecosystem, the company seeks to contribute to economic growth and improve financial access for its clients.

Leadership Team

Esteban Villegas (CEO) and Julián Delgado (CTO) are Zulu’s co-founders. Villegas is also a member of the board of Colombia Fintech, an organization focused on promoting digital financial innovation in the country. Along with Delgado, he leads the development and expansion of Zulu, focusing on delivering efficient and customer-oriented payment services.

Esteban Villegas

Es administrador de empresas del Cesa y el CEO y cofundador de Zulu, una compañía de pagos internacionales para empresas que nació en 2021. Es, además, el miembro más joven de la Junta Directiva de Colombia Fintech. Antes de crear esta compañía, trabajó en UBS y en otra fintech llamada Treinta.

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