The standardization of global tax information on digital assets: an opportunity for companies in Colombia

Discover how standardizing digital asset tax information benefits companies, ensuring regulatory compliance, transparency and preventing tax evasion.

Juan Pablo Contreras
Head of Legal
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Over the years, digital assets have gained popularity and have become an important form of investment and transaction. However, the lack of regulation in many countries and standardization in the tax field has generated uncertainty both for governments and for companies that operate with digital currencies.

In accordance with this, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has taken different steps to establish international standards on global tax reporting related to digital assets. In this blog, we will explore what the OECD is, how they have standardized global tax information on digital assets, and why this is crucial for companies that exchange digital currencies in Colombia.

What is the OECD?

La OECD is an international organization composed of 38 member countries, whose main objective is to promote policies that promote economic growth, development and social welfare. The organization is dedicated to cooperation in areas such as economy, trade, fiscal policy and governance.

Given the cross-border nature of digital assets and the need for appropriate regulation, the OECD has been working to standardize tax information related to them. This involves establishing clear guidelines and recommendations on how governments should approach the taxation of digital assets.

Read here: OECD standardises global tax reporting on digital assets.

The OECD has developed a framework to help countries identify fiscal challenges associated with digital assets and provide guidance on how to address them. This framework is based on three fundamental pillars:

1. Definition and classification of digital assets: this organization has proposed clear definitions and an appropriate classification of digital assets so that governments can better understand their nature and apply the corresponding tax regulations. 2. Information Collection: The OECD has recommended that countries require digital asset platforms and financial intermediaries to collect and share relevant information with tax authorities. This will allow for more effective tracking of transactions and tax evasion related to digital assets. 3. Taxation of digital assets: provide guidelines on how countries can tax digital assets fairly and effectively. This includes establishing clear tax policies, such as income and wealth taxes, to ensure that companies and individuals meet their tax obligations in relation to digital assets.

Importance for companies in Colombia:

The standardization of global tax information on digital assets by the OECD is of vital importance for companies in Colombia for several reasons:

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The standardization of global tax information on digital assets plays a crucial role in the regulation and proper management of digital assets at the international level. In the case of Colombia, adopting these standards is essential to provide legal certainty, promote transparency, prevent tax evasion, facilitate international trade and strengthen participation in the global economy.

Juan Pablo Contreras

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